April has started off with unusually warm temperatures and low river flows. This is setting a few things on the river ahead of schedule. We are seeing bugs and spawning habits happening up to a month earlier than last year. Being that it is still April and inconsistent weather is holding true, these now cold air temps and wintery weather should put a slight pause in the early spring trends. But for now, the fishing has been productive for Browns and Rainbows, and of course in Delaware fashion Walleye and Bass are still feeding.
3/31/16 First dry fly Rainbow of the 2016 Season!
3/31/16 A feeding Walleye in Spring
3/31/16 A fat 15" spring Smallmouth for Guide Mike P.
3/31/16 Another healthy spring Smallmouth.
4/1/16 A healthy main stem Brown trout for Guide Mike P.
4/1/16 Healthy and Fat spring Rainbow Trout.
4/1/16 Spring brown trout, feeding on Nymphs.